Friday 22 July 2016

Listen to that video and then answer the following activities:
Listen to the speakers describing their favourite things and do the exercises to practise and improve your listening skills.

1. Preparation: matching

Do this exercise before you listen. Match the verb with the correct noun and write a – g next to the numbers 1 – 7.

1…e….. take                                                                                       a. a designer
2…g.... listen to                                                                                b. your scooter
3…d….. watch                                                                                   c. a business
4…f….. stroke (= move your hand gently over something)         d. films
5…b.. park                                                                                      e. photos
6…a….. make it as (= be successful as)                                         f. the cat
7…c….. set up (= start)                                                                    g. music

2. Check your understanding: matching

Match the speakers with their favourite things. Write a – e next to the numbers 1 – 5.

1……tablet.. Speaker                   A a. a tablet
2…….. Speaker                   B b. a sewing machine
3…….. Speaker                   C c. a scooter
4…….. Speaker                   D d. a set of knives
5…….. Speaker                   E e. a cat

3. Check your understanding: gap fill

Do this exercise while you listen. Write the word to fill the gaps.
A. My favourite thing has to be my new tablet. It’s really light and quite _small____________, so I take it with me everywhere. I’m always writing to friends and it’s big enough to do college work on it too. It takes really good _____photos________, and I play games and listen to ___music__________ on it as well, of course. I often download _____films________ onto it, and watch them in ____bed_________. My mum says I’m _____addict_______, because I’m always on it. I even read things on it at breakfast time. I’m not allowed to at ______dinner______ time, though. I have to be ______polite_______ and talk to people then. “Welcome back to real life,” my mum says.

B. My favourite thing? Does my _____cat________ count as a thing? She’s not really a thing, but anyway. She’s a really ____beautiful______a___ little cat. I’ve had her since she was ______four_______ months old. You know how some cats are really __________independent___ and hardly talk to you? I know cats don’t really talk, but you know what I mean. Well, she’s not like that at all. She’s really _____affectionate______ and comes up to me as soon as I get home, purring away like mad. She makes a lot of _______noise______ for a tiny thing. She loves being stroked and comes and curls up next to me when I’m on the _____sofa________. She’s great _____companion________.

C. My new scooter! It’s quite small, but _____fun________, and just what I needed for getting around the _______city_____. I used to have quite a long walk to the _____metre________, then a longish walk at the other end to get to _____college________. But now I can just whiz there on my ______scooter_______. And there’s no problem parking, there’s always ______space______ for it. You have to be ____careful_________ with the cars and ____lorries_________ – they don’t always see you – and when it rains the surface of the road is ___terrible________, it gets really slippery. But in general it’s perfect for me, and I can fit a ____friend_________ on the back too – I’ve got an extra _________helmet____ for a friend. It’s great. Riding along makes me feel so free.

D. This might sound a bit old-fashioned, but my sewing ____machine_________ is my favourite thing. I’m studying _____in fashion________ and love making things, as well as designing them. I also love ____ clothing______ myself and often buy second-hand clothes – everyone loves the “vintage” _______look______ at the moment – and then I adapt them to my ____size________. It’s much easier using a machine to do that than doing it by _____hand________. I do alterations for my mum and my sister too. If I don’t make it as a _____designer________, I suppose I can always set up my own alterations and customising ____business_________. Customising clothes, by taking things off and adding things on, is actually very ____creative_________, so I wouldn’t mind that.

E. My set of Japanese knives. That sounds a bit sinister, doesn’t it, but I’m not a ________murderor____ or anything. They’re chef’s knives and the best ones come from ________Japan_____. Cooking is my new hobby. I got into it when I started watching Masterchef on TV. Then I went to an evening __class___________ for
beginners, and I haven’t looked back since. I try and have a ____dinner_________ for between four and eight________friends_____ every two or three __week___________. That gives me something to work towards and I
always do new ___dishes__________ so they can try them out and give me feedback. It’s quite an_______expensive______ hobby if you use good ______ingredients_______, but now my friends help towards the_______cost______. They still get a good _________meal____ for a very low price.

4- What’s your favourite thing?

My favourite thing is dancing in club

5- Why is it important to you?

It is important to me because It make me do more exercise. I see new friend and let me happy.

6- Vocabulary Box: Write any new words you have learnt in this lesson.

alterration____chang, variation

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